Goodbye Pringles

Pringles is one of the most iconic snacks, a true standout in its category. And when we heard they’re rebranding, it made us sad. This sadness powered the creative process for this project, which brought us to say a public and proper “Goodbye” to our favorite can. 

Since the rebranding was perfectly timed to match the New Year, we took the famous new year’s song “There goes the old year” and gave it a sadder, dramatic feel.
But that wasn’t enough. Pringles is the ambassador of joy and excitement, so we didn’t want to leave our audience on a bad note. That’s why we created a follow-up video, celebrating the newcomer with a pop!
The campaign was complete with a series of micro-celebration posts, with couches, cupboards, backpacks, and any other place Pringles is found and enjoyed, celebrating the new can.
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